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Fifth Edition
Solid State
An Introduction

Welcome to the 5th edition of Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction

Solid State Chemisty: An Introduction is a largely non-mathematical introduction to the chemistry of mainly inorganic crystalline solids. It covers basic crystallography, physical methods of studying crystals, synthesis, properties of crystals (electronic, magnetic, optical), chapters on particular classes of solids (mesoporous solids, solids for batteries, superconductors and nanoscale structures) and sustainability applied to solid state chemistry. New to this edition are sustainability, cryomicroscopy, microCT, ESCA, covalent organic frameworks, graphene oxide.

Examples from everyday life are used to illustrate applications of the principles and substances.

To enhance you understanding of the topics in the book, this website provides

  • files of some of the crystal structures in the book are available on the Instructor website. If you open them in Discovery Studio Visualiser (this is free to down load from https://www.3dsbiovia.com/products/collaborative-science/biovia-discovery-studio/visualization-download.php  ) then you will be able to rotate and manipulate the structures to get a better idea of their 3-dimensional structure. Under videos we have provided short videos of some structures. These are best viewed full screen. There are also videos of experiments relevant to material in the book.
  • a list of websites that provide an alternative view or further information on the topics.
  • quiz questions to test your understanding of the main concepts.
  • A list of Nobel prize winners in the field of solid state science with links to the Nobel prize website.
Book Information Instructor Exam Copy

Book Cover

About the Author

Image of the Author

Elaine A. Moore studied chemistry as an undergraduate at Oxford University and then stayed on to complete a DPhil in theoretical chemistry with Peter Atkins. After a two- year postdoctoral position at the University of Southampton, she joined the Open University in 1975, becoming a lecturer in chemistry in 1977, senior lecturer in 1998 and reader in 2004.She retired in 2017 and currently has an honorary position at the Open University. She has produced OU teaching texts in chemistry for courses at levels 1, 2 and 3 and written texts in astronomy at level 2 and physics at level 3. She is coauthor of Metals and Life and of Concepts in Transition Metal Chemistry, which were part of a level 3 Open University course in inorganic chemistry and co-published with the Royal Society of Chemistry. She was team leader for the production and presentation of an Open University level 2 chemistry module delivered entirely online. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She was co-chair for the successful Departmental submission of an Athena Swan bronze award.

Her research interests are in theoretical chemistry applied mainly to solid-state systems and is author or coauthor of over 50 papers in refereed scientific journals. A long-standing collaboration in this area led to her being invited to help run a series of postgraduate workshops on computational Materials Science hosted by the University of Khartoum.