
Chapter 1

Chapter summaries and outlines

Recommended readings

Anguiano, C., & Castañeda, M. (2014). Forging a path: Past and present scope of critical race theory and Latina/o critical race theory in communication studies. Review of Communication, 14, 107–124.

Dannels, D. (2002). Communication across the curriculum and in the disciplines: Speaking in engineering. Communication Education, 51, 254–268.

Dunbar, N. E. (2015). A review of theoretical approaches to interpersonal power. Review of Communication, 15, 1–18.

Macke, F. J. (1991). Communication left speechless: A critical examination of the evolution of speech communication as an academic discipline. Communication Education, 40, 125–143.

Manning, J. (2014). A constitutive approach to interpersonal communication studies. Communication Studies, 65, 432–440.

Mifsud, M. L., & Johnson, S. D. (2000). Dialogic, dialectic, and rhetoric: Exploring human dialogue across the discipline. Southern Journal of Communication, 65(2–3), 91–104.

Miike, Y. (2006). Non-Western theory in Western research? An Asiacentric agenda for Asian communication studies. The Review of Communication, 6(1–2), 4–31.

Morreale, S. P., & Pearson, J. C. (2008). Why communication education is important: The centrality of the discipline in the 21st century. Communication Education, 57, 224–240.

Morreale, S., Staley, C., Stavrositu, C., & Krakowiak, M. (2015). First-year college students' attitudes toward communication technologies and their perceptions of communication competence in the 21st Century. Communication Education, 64, 107–131.

Steiner, L. (2012). Failed theories: Explaining gender difference in journalism. Review of Communication, 12, 201–223.

Chapter 2

Chapter summaries and outlines

Recommended readings

Bellman, S., & Varan, D. (2012). Modeling self-selection bias in interactive-communications research. Communication Methods and Measures, 6, 163–189.

Coddington, M. (2014). Clarifying journalism's quantitative turn: A typology for evaluating data journalism, computational journalism, and computer-assisted reporting. Digital Journalism, (ahead-of-print), 1–18.

Egbert, N., Mickley, J., & Coeling, H. (2004). A review and application of social scientific measures of religiosity and spirituality: Assessing a missing component in health communication research. Health Communication, 16, 7–27.

Gales, L. M. (2003). Linguistic sensitivity in cross-cultural organisational research: positivist/post-positivist and grounded theory approaches. Language and Intercultural Communication, 3, 131–140.

Ledbetter, A. M. (2010). Family communication patterns and communication competence as predictors of online communication attitude: Evaluating a dual pathway model. Journal of Family Communication, 10, 99–115.

O'Keefe, D. J. (2011). The asymmetry of predictive and descriptive capabilities in quantitative communication research: Implications for hypothesis development and testing. Communication Methods and Measures, 5, 113–125.

Pavitt, C. (2004). Theory–data interaction from the standpoint of scientific realism: A reaction to bostrom. Communication Monographs, 71, 333–342.

Pilling, V. K., & Brannon, L. A. (2007). Assessing college students' attitudes toward responsible drinking messages to identify promising binge drinking intervention strategies. Health communication, 22, 265–276.

Slater, M. D., & Gleason, L. S. (2012). Contributing to theory and knowledge in quantitative communication science. Communication Methods and Measures, 6, 215–236.

Soliz, J., Ribarsky, E., Harrigan, M. M., & Tye-Williams, S. (2010). Perceptions of communication with gay and lesbian family members: Predictors of relational satisfaction and implications for outgroup attitudes. Communication Quarterly, 58, 77–95.

Chapter 3

Chapter summaries and outlines

Recommended readings

Barker, D., Quennerstedt, M., & Annerstedt, C. (2015). Learning through group work in physical education: A symbolic interactionist approach. Sport, Education and Society, 20, 1–20.

Baştuğ, M. (2015). Classroom teachers’ feelings and experiences in teaching early reading and writing: A phenomenological study. Education, 3–13, 1–15.

Besel, R. D., Burke, K., & Christos, V. (2015). A life history approach to perceptions of global climate change risk: Young adults’ experiences about impacts, causes, and solutions. Journal of Risk Research, 18, 1–15.

Cronin, C., & Armour, K. M. (2013). Lived experience and community sport coaching: A phenomenological investigation. Sport, Education and Society, 20, 1–17.

De Vita, G., & Case, P. (2014). “The smell of the place”: Managerialist culture in contemporary UK business schools. Culture and Organization, 20, 1–17.

Hopkins, D. (2013). The perceived risks of local climate change in Queenstown, New Zealand. Current Issues in Tourism, 16, 1–19.

Jackson, R. L., Drummond, D. K., & Camara, S. (2007). What is qualitative research? Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 8, 21–28.

Larsson, H., & Karlefors, I. (2015). Physical education cultures in Sweden: fitness, sports, dancing… learning? Sport, Education and Society, 20, 1–15.

Quay, J. (2015). Learning Phenomenology with Heidegger: experiencing the phenomenological “starting point” as the beginning of phenomenological research. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47, 1–14.

Yang, E. C. L., & Khoo-Lattimore, C. (2015). Food and the perception of eating: The case of young Taiwanese consumers. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 20, 1–20.

Chapter 4

Chapter summaries and outlines

Recommended readings

Bang, S. Y., & Amara, M. (2014). The study of discourse on change in South Korean football: Between tradition and modernity, from colonial to post-colonial. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 31, 618–634.

Dhaenens, F. (2013). The fantastic queer: Reading gay representations in Torchwood and True Blood as articulations of queer resistance. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 30, 102–116.

Edgar, A. N. (2014). Blackvoice and Adele’s racialized musical performance: Blackness, whiteness, and discursive authenticity. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 31, 167–181.

Florini, S. (2014). Recontextualizing the racial present: Intertextuality and the politics of online remembering. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 31, 314–326.

Halualani, R. T., Mendoza, S. L., & Drzewiecka, J. A. (2009). “Critical” junctures in intercultural communication studies: A review. The Review of Communication, 9, 17–35.

Marling, R. (2010). The intimidating Other: Feminist critical discourse analysis of the representation of feminism in Estonian print media. NORA—Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 18, 7–19.

Millington, B. (2014). Smartphone apps and the mobile privatization of health and fitness. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 31, 479–493.

Silva, P., Botelho-Gomes, P., & Goellner, S. V. (2012). Masculinities and sport: The emphasis on hegemonic masculinity in Portuguese physical education classes. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 25, 269–291.

Stephenson-Abetz, J. (2012). Everyday activism as a dialogic practice: Narratives of feminist daughters. Women’s Studies in Communication, 35, 96–117.

Sue, C. A., & Golash-Boza, T. (2013). “It was only a joke”: how racial humour fuels colour-blind ideologies in Mexico and Peru. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36, 1582–1598.

Chapter 5

Chapter summaries and outlines

Recommended readings

Bevan, J. L., Vreeburg, S. K., Verdugo, S., & Sparks, L. (2012). Interpersonal conflict and health perceptions in long-distance caregiving relationships. Journal of Health Communication, 17, 747–761. doi:10.1080/10810730.2011.650829.

Braithwaite, D. O. (2014). “Opening the Door”: The history and future of qualitative scholarship in interpersonal communication. Communication Studies, 65, 441–445. doi:10.1080/10510974.2014.927295.

Chen, Y., & Nakazawa, M. (2009). Influences of culture on self-disclosure as relationally situated in intercultural and interracial friendships from a social penetration perspective. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 38, 77–98. doi:10.1080/17475750903395408.

Dillow, M. R., Goodboy, A. K., & Bolkan, S. (2014). Attachment and the expression of affection in romantic relationships: The mediating role of romantic love. Communication Reports, 27, 102–115. doi:10.1080/08934215.2014.900096.

Duck, S. (2014). Onward and upward: Some reflections on the past and the future of interpersonal communication. Communication Studies, 65, 460–464. doi:10.1080/10510974.2014.927299.

Gudykunst, W. B. (1985). An exploratory comparison of close intracultural and intercultural friendships. Communication Quarterly, 33, 270–283. doi:10.1080/01463378509369607.

Knobloch, L. K., & Theiss, J. A. (2011). Relational uncertainty and relationship talk within courtship: A longitudinal actor–partner interdependence model. Communication Monographs, 78, 3–26. doi:10.1080/03637751.2010.542471.

Seymour, C. G. (2011). A place for the pre-modern: A review of modern and postmodern intimate interpersonal communication frames. Review of Communication, 11, 286–309. doi:10.1080/15358593.2011.602106.

Young, S. L., Bippus, A. M., & Dunbar, N. E. (2015). Comparing romantic partners’ perceptions of hurtful communication during conflict conversations. Southern Communication Journal, 80, 39–54. doi:10.1080/1041794X.2014.941113.

Chapter 6

Chapter summaries and outlines

Recommended readings

Croucher, S. M., Parrott, K., Zeng, C., & Gomez, O. (2014). A cross-cultural analysis of organizational dissent and workplace freedom in five European economies. Communication Studies, 65, 298–313. doi:10.1080/10510974.2013.811430.

D'Urso, S. C., Fyke, J. P., & Torres, D. H. (2014). Exploring organizational communication (micro) history through network connections. Review of Communication, 14, 89–106. doi:10.1080/15358593.2014.944871.

Goldman, Z. W., & Myers, S. A. (2015). The relationship between organizational assimilation and employees' upward, lateral, and displaced dissent. Communication Reports, 28, 24–35. doi:10.1080/08934215.2014.902488.

Goodboy, A. K., Chory, R. M., & Dunleavy, K. N. (2008). Organizational dissent as a function of organizational justice. Communication Research Reports, 25, 255–265. doi:10.1080/08824090802440113.

Jahn, J. S., & Myers, K. K. (2014). Vocational anticipatory socialization of adolescents: Messages, sources, and frameworks that influence interest in STEM careers. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 42, 85–106. doi:10.1080/00909882.2013.874568.

Kassing, J. W. (2006). Employees' expressions of upward dissent as a function of current and past work experiences. Communication Reports, 19, 79–88. doi:10.1080/08934210600917115.

Lammers, J. C., Atouba, Y. L., & Carlson, E. J. (2013). Which identities matter? A mixed-method study of group, organizational, and professional identities and their relationship to burnout. Management Communication Quarterly, 27, 503–536. doi:10.1177/0893318913498824.

Murphy, A. G. (2013). Discursive frictions: Power, identity, and culture in an international working partnership. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 6, 1–20. doi:10.1080/17513057.2012.740683.

Myers, K. K., & McPhee, R. D. (2006). Influences on member assimilation in workgroups in high-reliability organizations: A multilevel analysis. Human Communication Research, 32, 440–468. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2958.2006.00283.x.

Myers, K. K., & Oetzel, J. G. (2003). Exploring the dimensions of organizational assimilation: Creating and validating a measure. Communication Quarterly, 51, 438–457. doi:10.1080/01463370309370166.

Chapter 7

Chapter summaries and outlines

Recommended readings

Croucher, S. M. (2011). Social networking and cultural adaptation: A theoretical model. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 4, 259–264.

Fougère, M., & Moulettes, A. (2007). The construction of the modern West and the backward rest: Studying the discourse of Hofstede's Culture's consequences. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 2, 1–19.

Gram, M., de La Ville, V. I., Le Roux, A., Boireau, N., & Rampnoux, O. (2010). Communication on food, health and nutrition: A cross-cultural analysis of the Danonino brand and nutri-tainment. Journal of Marketing Communications, 16(1–2), 87–103.

Hsu, C. F. (2010). Acculturation and communication traits: A study of cross-cultural adaptation among Chinese in America. Communication Monographs, 77, 414–425.

McKay-Semmler, K., & Kim, Y. Y. (2014). Cross-cultural adaptation of Hispanic youth: A study of communication patterns, functional fitness, and psychological health. Communication Monographs, 81, 133–156.

Ni, L., & Wang, Q. (2011). Anxiety and uncertainty management in an intercultural setting: The impact on organization–public relationships. Journal of Public Relations Research, 23, 269–301.

Sandel, T. L., & Liang, C. H. (2010). Taiwan's fifth ethnic group: A study of the acculturation and cultural fusion of women who have married into families in Taiwan. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 3, 249–275.

Tili, T. R., & Barker, G. G. (2015). Communication in intercultural marriages: Managing cultural differences and conflicts. Southern Communication Journal, 80, 189–210.

Ting-Toomey, S. (2007). Intercultural conflict training: Theory-practice approaches and research challenges. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 36, 255–271.

Shi, X. (2011). The impact of face on Chinese students' simulated negotiation practices with Americans. Language and Intercultural Communication, 11, 26–40.

Chapter 8

Chapter summaries and outlines

Recommended readings

Bonito, J. A., & Meyers, R. A. (2011). Examining functional communication as egocentric or group-centric: Application of a latent group model. Communication Monographs, 78, 463–485. doi:10.1080/03637751.2011.618138.

Cheshire, C., & Antin, J. (2010). None of us is as lazy as all of us. Information, Communication & Society, 13, 537–555. doi:10.1080/13691181003639858.

Cline, R. W. (1990). Detecting groupthink: Methods for observing the illusion of unanimity. Communication Quarterly, 38, 112–126. doi:10.1080/01463379009369748.

Fedesco, H. N. (2014). Using Telestrations™ to illustrate small group communication principles. Communication Teacher, 28, 150–154. doi:10.1080/17404622.2014.911340.

Hirokawa, R. Y., & Pace, R. (1983). A descriptive investigation of the possible communication-based reasons for effective and ineffective group decision making. Communication Monographs, 50, 363–379. doi:10.1080/03637758309390175.

Kennedy, D. M., & McCombs, S. A. (2010). Merging internal and external processes: Examining the mental model convergence process through team communication. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 11, 340–358. doi:10.1080/14639221003729193.

Kerssen-Griep, J. (2002). The glass half full: Teaching structuration theory. Communication Teacher, 17, 10–12.

Myers, S. A. (2012). Students' perceptions of classroom group work as a function of group member selection. Communication Teacher, 26, 50–64. doi:10.1080/17404622.2011.625368.

Steimel, S. J. (2013). Community partners' assessment of service learning in an interpersonal and small group communication course. Communication Teacher, 27, 241–255. doi:10.1080/17404622.2013.798017.

Underation, C. (2012). Seeding the vision: Symbolic convergence theory and Aimee Semple Mcpherson. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 20, 274–289. doi:10.1080/15456870.2012.728120.

Chapter 9

Chapter summaries and outlines

Recommended readings

Cohen, E. L., & Head, K. J. (2013). Identifying knowledge-attitude-practice gaps to enhance HPV vaccine diffusion. Journal of Health Communication, 18, 1221–1234. doi:10.1080/10810730.2013.778357.

Gerbensky-Kerber, A. (2015). What we (don't) talk about when we talk about breasts. Health Communication, 30, 624–626. doi:10.1080/10410236.2014.914122.

Han, J. Y., Hou, J., Kim, E., & Gustafson, D. H. (2014). Lurking as an active participation process: A longitudinal investigation of engagement with an online cancer support group. Health Communication, 29, 911–923. doi:10.1080/10410236.2013.816911.

Hartoonian, N., Ormseth, S. R., Hanson, E. R., Bantum, E. O., & Owen, J. E. (2014). Information-seeking in cancer survivors: Application of the comprehensive model of information seeking to HINTS 2007 data. Journal of Health Communication, 19, 1308–1325. doi:10.1080/10810730.2013.872730.

Hovick, S. R. (2014). Understanding family health information seeking: A test of the theory of motivated information management. Journal of Health Communication, 19, 6–23. doi:10.1080/10810730.2013.778369.

Jones, C. L., Jensen, J. D., Scherr, C. L., Brown, N. R., Christy, K., & Weaver, J. (2015). The health belief model as an explanatory framework in communication research: Exploring parallel, serial, and moderated mediation. Health Communication, 30, 566–576. doi:10.1080/10410236.2013.873363.

Lee, H. O., & Kim, S. (2015). Linking health information seeking to behavioral outcomes: Antecedents and outcomes of childhood vaccination information seeking in South Korea. Journal of Health Communication, 20, 285–296.

Neuhauser, L., & Kreps, G. L. (2014). Integrating design science theory and methods to improve the development and evaluation of health communication programs. Journal of Health Communication, 19, 1460–1471. doi:10.1080/10810730.2014.954081.

Williams, K. M. (2012). Buddy: focus group research on the perceived influence of messages in urban music on the health beliefs and behaviors of African American undergraduate females. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 13, 21–27. doi:10.1080/17459435.2012.719205.

Zhao, X., Mao, Q., Kreps, G. L., Yu, G., Li, Y., Chou, S. W., & ... Kim, P. (2015). Cancer information seekers in china: A preliminary profile. Journal of Health Communication, 20, 616–626. doi:10.1080/10810730.2015.1012244; doi:10.1080/10810730.2014.927035.

Chapter 10

Chapter summaries and outlines

Recommended readings

Camaj, L. (2014). The consequences of attribute agenda-setting effects for political trust, participation, and protest behavior. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 58, 634–654. doi:10.1080/08838151.2014.966363.

Ho, S. S., Chen, V. H., & Sim, C. C. (2013). The spiral of silence: Examining how cultural predispositions, news attention, and opinion congruency relate to opinion expression. Asian Journal of Communication, 23, 113–134. doi:10.1080/01292986.2012.725178.

Kapidzic, S., & Martins, N. (2015). Mirroring the media: The relationship between media consumption, media internalization, and profile picture characteristics on Facebook. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 59, 278–297. doi:10.1080/08838151.2015.1029127.

Kim, S., Kim, H., & Oh, S. (2014). Talking about genetically modified (gm) foods in South Korea: The role of the internet in the spiral of silence process. Mass Communication and Society, 17, 713–732. doi:10.1080/15205436.2013.847460.

Lee, J. K. (2015). Knowledge as a measure of news reception in the agenda-setting process. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 59, 22–40. doi:10.1080/08838151.2014.998225.

Lee, N. Y., & Kim, Y. (2014). The spiral of silence and journalists' outspokenness on Twitter. Asian Journal of Communication, 24, 262–278. doi:10.1080/01292986.2014.885536.

Ponder, J. D., & Haridakis, P. (2015). Selectively social politics: The differing roles of media use on political discussion. Mass Communication and Society, 18, 281–302. doi:10.1080/15205436.2014.940977.

Ruggiero, T. E. (2000). Uses and gratifications theory in the 21st century. Mass Communication and Society, 3, 3–37. doi:10.1207/S15327825MCS0301_02.

Sundar, S. S., & Limperos, A. M. (2013). Uses and grats 2.0: New gratifications for new media. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 57, 504–525. doi:10.1080/08838151.2013.845827.

Vaala, S. E., & Bleakley, A. (2015). Monitoring, mediating, and modeling: Parental influence on adolescent computer and internet use in the United States. Journal of Children and Media, 9, 40–57. doi:10.1080/17482798.2015.997103.

Chapter 11

Chapter summaries and outlines

Recommended readings

Banas, J. A., & Rains, S. A. (2010). A meta-analysis of research on inoculation theory. Communication Monographs, 77, 281–311. doi:10.1080/03637751003758193.

Chudnovsky-Weintraub, S. (2005). Getting to know you: Relationship development and the interpersonal communication mentor project. Communication Teacher, 19, 5–8. doi:10.1080/1740462042000339195.

Dillingham, L. L., & Ivanov, B. (2015). Boosting inoculation's message potency: Loss framing. Communication Research Reports, 32, 113–121. doi:10.1080/08824096.2015.1016152.

Kim, S. (2013). Does corporate advertising work in a crisis? An examination of inoculation theory. Journal of Marketing Communications, 19, 293–305. doi:10.1080/13527266.2011.634430.

Lane, R., Miller, A. N., Brown, C., & Vilar, N. (2013). An examination of the narrative persuasion with epilogue through the lens of the elaboration likelihood model. Communication Quarterly, 61, 431–445. doi:10.1080/01463373.2013.799510.

Li, S., Feng, B., Chen, M., & Bell, R. A. (2015). Physician review websites: Effects of the proportion and position of negative reviews on readers' willingness to choose the doctor. Journal of Health Communication, 20, 453–461. doi:10.1080/10810730.2014.977467.

Proctor II, R. F. (2000). Using swing kids to teach theories of persuasion. Communication Teacher, 14, 5–6.

Shen, F., Sheer, V. C., & Li, R. (2015). Impact of narratives on persuasion in health communication: A meta-analysis. Journal of Advertising, 44, 105–113. doi:10.1080/00913367.2015.1018467.

Spielvogel, J., & Terlutter, R. (2013). Development of TV advertising literacy in children. International Journal of Advertising, 32, 343–368. doi:10.2501/IJa-32-3-343-368.

Weber, R., Westcott-Baker, A., & Anderson, G. (2013). A multi-level analysis of anti-marijuana public service announcement effectiveness. Communication Monographs, 80, 302–330. doi:10.1080/03637751.2013.788254.

Chapter 12

Chapter summaries and outlines

Recommended readings

Crable, B. (2006). Rhetoric, anxiety, and character armor: Burke’s interactional rhetoric of identity. Western Journal of Communication, 70, 1–22.

Grabill, J. T., & Pigg, S. (2012). Messy rhetoric: Identity performance as rhetorical agency in online public forums. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 42, 99–119.

Kehrberg, A. K. (2015). “I love you, please notice me”: the hierarchical rhetoric of Twitter fandom. Celebrity Studies, 6, 85–99.

Meyer, M. D. (2007). Women speak(ing): Forty years of feminist contributions to rhetoric and an agenda for feminist rhetorical studies. Communication Quarterly, 55, 1–17.

Milazzo, M. (2015). The rhetorics of racial power: Enforcing colorblindness in post-apartheid scholarship on race. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 8, 7–26.

Rutten, K., Mottart, A., & Soetaert, R. (2010). The rhetorical construction of the nation in education: The case of Flanders. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 42, 775–790.

Phillips, K. R. (2010). The failure of memory: Reflections on rhetoric and public remembrance. Western Journal of Communication, 74, 208–223.

Rutten, K., Roets, G., Soetaert, R., & Roose, R. (2012). The rhetoric of disability: A dramatistic-narrative analysis of One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Critical Arts, 26, 631–647.

Stuckey, M. E. (2010). Rethinking the rhetorical Presidency and Presidential rhetoric. Review of Communication, 10, 38–52.

Villadsen, L. S. (2008). Speaking on behalf of others: Rhetorical agency and epideictic functions in official apologies. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 38, 25–45.

Chapter 13

Chapter summaries and outlines

Recommended readings

Callis, A. S. (2009). Playing with Butler and Foucault: Bisexuality and queer theory. Journal of Bisexuality, 9, 213–233.

Cisneros, J. D., & Nakayama, T. K. (2015). New media, old racisms: Twitter, Miss America, and cultural logics of race. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 8, 108–127.

Dhaenens, F. (2013). Teenage queerness: Negotiating heteronormativity in the representation of gay teenagers in Glee. Journal of Youth Studies, 16, 304–317.

Dow, B. (2001). Ellen, television, and the politics of gay and lesbian visibility. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 18, 123–140.

Gershon, S. (2012). When race, gender, and the media intersect: Campaign news coverage of minority congresswomen. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, 33, 105–125.

Khanna, N. (2011). Ethnicity and race as “symbolic”: the use of ethnic and racial symbols in asserting a biracial identity. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34, 1049–1067.

Meyer, M. D., Fallah, A. M., & Wood, M. M. (2011). Gender, media, and madness: Reading a rhetoric of women in crisis through Foucauldian theory. Review of Communication, 11, 216–228.

Paechter, C. (2006). Masculine femininities/feminine masculinities: Power, identities and gender. Gender and Education, 18, 253–263.

Read, B. (2011). Britney, Beyoncé, and me—primary school girls’ role models and constructions of the “popular” girl. Gender and Education, 23, 1–13.

Striley, K. M., & Lawson, S. (2014). Theorizing communication orientations of privilege: How white discourses (de)construct Australian Aboriginals. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 7, 170–191.