Chapter 24 - If You Do Not Hear From Him, It Means You Are Doing Well

Kumi Ishii


Mr. Ono has been recently sent from the headquarters in Japan to manage a newly established project team in the U.S. subsidiary of a large multinational corporation. Although Mr. Ono has been an effective manager in Japan, he faces cultural differences working with American subordinates. Unlike the Japanese, American members do not consult with their boss. When American members face a problem that causes a delay in the original schedule, they ask to revise it instead of catching up by all means. While Mr. Ono was experiencing those cultural differences, he lost a young capable employee, Sean, whom he has been taking good care of. Sharing a lot of time with Sean, Mr. Ono thought they understood each other, just as he did with his Japanese subordinates. However, because of lack of feedback from Mr. Ono, Sean was not comfortable working with him and has decided to move to an American company.

Keywords: Multinational Organization (MNO), Intercultural Communication Competence, Feedback, Cultural Differences, Management Styles, Work Values

Key Takeaways and Take a Stand Form

Key Takeaways

After reading this case study, you will understand:

  1. Different management styles between American and Japanese Managers
  2. Different communication/ feedback styles between American and Japanese members.
  3. Different work values between American and Japanese members.
  4. Effective management styles for American and Japanese members.
  5. Effective communication/feedback styles for American and Japanese members.

Take a Stand Form