Chapter 41 - Speechless with No One to Tell

Katherine M. Kelley


Socialization into a new job and workplace exposes Elizabeth, a novice freelance consultant, ¬¬¬¬to the dysfunctional leadership of Dr. Williams, a medical doctor to the rich and famous, whose business Elizabeth consults. The doctor’s leadership style and bizarre communication tactics produce a lack of upward constructive feedback. Suspected unethical workplace activities force Elizabeth to either speak up, keep mum, or leave the organization. Elizabeth struggles with impression management as she is tries to make a name for herself in the consulting industry, working as an independent consultant, while also wanting to address the doctor’s behavior. However, Elizabeth feels as though she must keep silent due to the organizational structure; hierarchical and moral mum effects are at play. Elizabeth fears reporting the rumored unethical workplace activities to the doctor or the next in command, the doctor’s brother, because she does not want to rock the boat or jeopardize anyone’s reputation.

Keywords: Impression Management, Hierarchical Mum Effect, Moral Mum Effect, Dissent, Socialization

Key Takeaways and Take a Stand Form

Key Takeaways

  1. Socialization is a process that informs the newcomer of the informal rules, norms, and culture of the respective organization (Richmond, McCroskey, Powell, 2013). The ways in which Elizabeth was socialized into the organization exposed the dysfunctional leadership as well as unethical workplace activity taking place.
  2. Various communicative behaviors of the doctor produced dysfunctional leadership, and thus prevented a lack of upward negative and constructive feedback from those who worked for the doctor.
  3. Elizabeth struggles with impression management strategies because she is trying to make a name for herself in the consulting industry; and, she wants to address the doctor’s behavior but feels as though she must keep silent in the organization due to the organizational structure (Milliken, Morrison, & Hewlin, 2003).
  4. The hierarchical mum effect (Ploeger, Kelley, & Bisel, 2011) was evident in Elizabeth's predicament with working with the doctor. Elizabeth because of her role in the organization felt forced to keep "mum" about what she knew and had observed working with the doctor's business because she wasn't in a position of authority where her voice and opinion would be heard nor valued.
  5. The moral mum effect (Bisel, Kelley, Ploeger, & Messersmith, 2011) are at play as well. Elizabeth was afraid to label and call out the doctor's behavior as unethical in fear that it would harm their working relationship, Elizabeth's relationship with the family friends who introduced Elizabeth to the doctor, and possibly taint Elizabeth's nascent consulting career.

Take a Stand Form