
Report Writing for Criminal Justice Professionals 6th Edition
Larry Miller and John Whitehead

The criminal justice process is dependent on accurate documentation. Criminal justice professionals can spend 50–75 percent of their time writing administrative and research reports. The information provided in these reports is crucial to the functioning of our system of justice. Report Writing for Criminal Justice Professionals, Sixth Edition, provides practical guidance—with specific writing samples and guidelines—for providing strong reports. Most law enforcement, security, corrections, and probation and parole officers have not had adequate training in how to provide well-written, accurate, brief, and complete reports. Report Writing for Criminal Justice Professionals covers everything officers need to learn—from basic English grammar to the difficult but often ignored problem of creating documentation that will hold up in court. This new edition includes updates to reference materials and citations, as well as further supporting examples and new procedures in digital and electronic report writing.

This companion site offers practice quizzes for students—which by design overlap with content in the test bank, but also cover additional points—as well as teaching materials for instructors, including a sample syllabus, instructor’s guides, PowerPoint presentations, and a test bank. Click on the appropriate tabs to access these resources.

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