
This is the companion website for the third edition of Consumer Economics: Issues and Behaviors. The supplementary materials provided here will aid lecturers and students in using Elizabeth B. Goldsmith’s textbook as their main teaching tool.

Resources on this website:

Handouts of the Discussion Questions from the book

PowerPoint slides

About the book

From identity theft to product recalls, from what we once thought of as unshakeable institutions to increasing concerns about sustainability, consumer issues are an integral part of modern life. This fully updated third edition of Consumer Economics offers students an accessible and thorough guide to the concerns surrounding the modern consumer and brings to light the repercussions of making uninformed decisions in today’s economy.

This definitive textbook introduces students to these potential issues and covers other key topics including consumer behavior, personal finance, legal rights and responsibilities, as well as marketing and advertising. Combining theory and practice, students are introduced to both the fundamentals of consumer economics and how to become better-informed consumers themselves.

Fully updated throughout, this textbook is suitable for students studying consumer sciences – what works, what doesn’t, and how consumers are changing.

Book Information Complimentary Exam Copy

Book Cover