Typology Tables

  • Empty typology table

    This typology table template can be used to observe any variable (attribute or dimension) and its values (characteristics or traits). It can be adapted for many uses.

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  • General typology table for timbre

    This general timbre typology table may be used for noting general observations for any or all of content, character or context of a sound source or a specific sound. One’s initial observations might be recorded on this general table for later exploration in greater depth.

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  • Detailed timbre typology table

    This timbre typology table allows for greater detail and depth of observation. Areas observed might be further refined or omitted, as per the needs of an analysis or the nature of the sound being observed.

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  • Sound source timbre typology table

    This typology timbre is specific to sound sources (instruments or voices). The separate columns allow several instruments to be observed, or the same instrument in various song sections.

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  • Vocal style typology table

    A typology table for defining the vocal style of singers, this template can contain great detail within each variable and its values or be more general in nature. Separate tables for various song sections can often bring interesting evaluations and conclusions.

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  • Environment qualities typology table

    This typology table allows observations of the content and character of environments. This template can be used for host environments and a holistic environment. Multiple columns allow several environments to be listed and observed; these may represent environments of several sources, or the same source in different sections of the track.

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  • Spatial identity typology table

    This typology table collects the attributes of the track’s spatial identity and allows their values to be listed at the level of detail appropriate for the individual analysis.

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