Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Developmental psychology

The historical roots of developmental psychology
Typical and atypical development
Some recurrent issues in developmental psychology
Genes, environment and culture
Learning and development
Continuity and discontinuity
Critical and sensitive periods
Equifinality and multifinality
Process and outcome
Multiple levels of analysis
Modeling development
Main effects
Interaction models
Transaction models
Dynamic systems
Vulnerability, risk, resilience and protection
The developmental way of thinking
Developmental psychopathology

Chapter 2: Theoretical Perspectives

The function of developmental theories
Psychodynamic psychology
Logical constructivism
Social constructivism
Evolutionary psychology
Ethological psychology
Ecological psychology
Information processing
Critical developmental psychology
Distinguishing between theories

Chapter 3: Methods of gaining knowledge about children

Some common problems when observing children
Questionnaires and interviews
Archival methods
Quantitative and qualitative methods
Group and case studies
Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies
Prospective and retrospective studies
Cross-cultural studies
Special methods for investigating infants
Habituation and dehabituation
Visual exploration
Physiological reactions
The methods are important but difficult to interpret
Criteria for research methodology
Conversations and interviews
Analyzes and interpretation
Dynamic assessment
Response to intervention
Ethical considerations

Chapter 4: Child and Adolescent Disorders

Categorization of disorders
Classification systems
Sensory impairments
Motor impairments
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Behavioral and emotional disorders
Trauma and stressor-related disorders
Acquired disorders
Disorders can be related

Chapter 5: Genes, evolution, heredity and environment

Chromosomes and genes
Genetic inheritance
Dominant and recessive traits
Autosomal and sex-related inheritance
Genetic imprinting
Gene regulation, epigenesis and development
Heredity and environment in individual difference
Family studies
Heritability estimates
Gene studies of typical and atypical development
Genes and development: Constraints and plasticity

Chapter 6: Stimulation and activity during fetal development

Fetal development
The biochemical environment
Prenatal stimulation
Movement and activity
Prenatal learning
Fetal experiences and later development
Maternal emotional states

Chapter 7: Brain Development

Methods of studying the brain
Brain structure
The brain and experience
Brain development
Early and later plasticity
Gender differences
Brain organization and atypical development
Stimulating development

Chapter 8: Perceptual development

Two theoretical explanations
Piaget’s constructivism
Gibson’s ecological theory
Comparison between the two theories
Early development of vision
Further development of the visual sense
Pictorial competence
Visual impairment
Early perception of sound
The development of hearing through childhood and adolescence
Hearing impairment
Development of musical skills
Other senses
Intermodal perception

Chapter 9: Motor development

From action systems to complex actions
Gross motor development
Development of fine motor skills
Fine and gross motor skills are related
Individuals and cultural differences
Theories of motor development
Development of drawing
Atypical motor development

Chapter 10: Theories of cognitive development

Domains, modules and activities
Logical constructivism
Information processing
Social constructivism
Disparity and integration

Chapter 11: Attention, memory and executive function

Attention in the first year of life
Attention development during childhood and adolescence
Attention in atypical development
Memory in infancy
The development of memory during childhood and adolescence
Memory and language
Autobiographical memory
Memory of negative and traumatic events
Childhood amnesia
False memories
Memory and atypical development
Children as witnesses
Executive functions
Executive functions and atypical development

Chapter 12: Conceptual development and reasoning

Early conception of space, time and causality
Object concepts
Atypical development

Chapter 13: Mind understanding

Visual perspective
Private speech
Early understanding of desires and beliefs
Further development of mind understanding
Individual and cultural differences
Atypical mind understanding
Social cognitive disorders

Chapter 14: Intelligence

Theories of intelligence
Triarchial model
Multiple intelligences
Intelligence tests
Norm-based and criteria-based tests
Other observations of intelligent action
Stability and variation in IQ scores
Early prediction
Stability and variation in later childhood
Nature, Nurture and intelligence
Genetic variation
Environmental factors
Gender differences
Ethnicity and intelligence
Changing norms: The Flynn effect
School performance and intelligence
Atypical development: Intellectual disability
Atypical development: Giftedness and talent

Chapter 15: Learning and instruction

Types of learning
Habituation and conditioning
Imitation and observational learning
Learning by trial and error, insight and heuristics
Two developmental perspectives on education
Logical constructivism
Social constructivism
Cooperation among children
Atypical development: Learning disorders
Reading and writing disorders
Mathematics disorders
Learning disorders and mental disorders

Chapter 16: The development of communication and language

Early development of communication
Joint attention
Theories of communicative development
Early dialogues
The development of language
Main theories
The emergence of speech
Early word learning
Further growth in vocabulary
From single words to sentences
Language in use
Conversation skills
Child-directed language
Gender differences
Language in other modalities
Sign language
Manual signs and graphic symbols for children with severe speech and language impairment
Language disorders
Language disorders and emotional and behavioral disorders

Chapter 17: Emotions and emotion regulation

Emotion regulation
Cultural differences
Main theories of emotional development
Early emotional development
Emotional expressions
Understanding emotional expressions in others
Imitation of emotional expressions
Emotion regulation
Emotional development in childhood and adolescence
Self-referential emotions
Further emotional development
Emotion regulation
Emotionality in adolescence
The influence of the environment on children’s emotions
Talking about emotions
Reacting to emotions in others
Empathy and sympathy
Reactions to negative emotions in others
Parents with depressive traits
Emotional disorders
Anxiety disorders
Regulation disorders

Chapter 18: Temperament and personality

Measuring temperament
Stability of temperament
Temperament and parental behaviour
Early temperament and later disorders
Personality traits
Theories of personality development
Freud’s theory
Erikson’s theory
McCrae and Costa’s five-factor theory
Cognitive behavior theory
The emergence of personality
Personality in childhood
Personality development in adolescence
Factors that affect personality development
Childhood environment
The significance of early experiences
Personality deevlopment and later disorders
Personality development is a transactional process

Chapter 19: Attachment

Theoretical perspectives on attachment
Ethological theory
Primary needs
Separation theory
The development of attachment
Individual differences in attachment
Measures of attachment
Attachment and adult sesitivity
Attachment in atypical deevlopment
Continuity of attachment
Cultural differences
Attachment and later functioning
Attachment-related disorders
Attachment theory and social work in practise

Chapter 20: Sibling and peer relations

Sibling relations
Siblings with atypical development
Peer relations
The development of friendship
Developing perceptions of friendship
Stability of friendships
Similarities between friends
Popular and rejected children
Social strategies and popularity
Stability of popularity
Friends, popularity and adaptation
Adolescent groups
Peer relations and later disorders

Chapter 21: Self and identity

The beginnings of self-perception
Theories of self development
Separation-individuation theory
Six senses of self
Four levels of a representational self
Other views on early self-perception
Further development of self-perception
Self descriptions
Autobiographical narrative
Cultural perspectives
Self-perception in atypical development
Self-perception and emotional and behavioral disorders
Eating disorders
Self-esteem and narcissism
Identity formation
Ethnic identity

Chapter 22: Moral development

Theoretical perspectives
Logical constructivism
Evolutionary theory
Social domain theory
The development of moral understanding
Morality and emotions
Callous-unemotional traits and psychopathy

Chapter 23: Prosocial and antisocial development

Pro-social behaviour
Development in childhood
Development in adolsecnce
Antisocial behavior
Prevalence of antisicial behavior
Individual differences in antisocial behavior
Pathways to antisocial behavior
A social-cognitive model
Parenting influences
Society and prevention

Chapter 24: Gender development

The development of gender understanding
Gender identity, stability and constancy
Gender roles
Gender stereotypes
Construction of understanding of gender
Sex typing
Activity preferences
Gender segregated interaction
Differential treatment
Atypical development
Theoretical perspectives on gender-typical behavior

Chapter 25: Play

Forms of play
Solitary, parallel and group play
The development of play
Helping children play
The functions of play
Play in different contexts
Play among children with atypical development

Chapter 26: Media and understanding of society

Children and adolescents in a media society
Extent of media use
Parental attitudes and children’s media environment
Media and learning
Prosocial and antisocial effects of media
Social media
Societal knowledge
Economics and social structure
Social inequality
Becoming citizens

Chapter 27: Toward adulthood
