This section provides a set of demonstrations of auditory phenomena intended to be used in conjunction with Chapter 6 of the book. Click on the descriptions below to hear the demonstrations


The auditory range: a sequence of tones of 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400 and 12800 Hz.

A 200 Hz 'pure tone' (sinusoidal waveform)

A 200 Hz square-wave

White noise

A 135 microsec click

Frequency discrimination: alternating 400 and 404 Hz tones

Fourier synthesis of a 400 Hz square-wave

400 Hz fundamental 

With 3rd harmonic (1200 Hz) added 

With 5th harmonic (2000 Hz) added

With 7th harmonic (2800 Hz) added

Sequence: 1+3, then 1+3+5, then 1+3+5+7, then square-wave

Modulation and beats

Beats between a 400 and a 404 Hz tone

5000 Hz tone alternating with the same modulated at 200Hz

Noise alternating with the same modulated at 200 Hz

3100 Hz alternating with 3000 + 3200 Hz

'Missing fundamental': 200 Hz square wave with its fundamental subtracted, alternating with a 600 Hz tone


'Short delay' means 45 microsec; 'medium' means 90; 'long' means 180.

In each sound-clip, the delay alternates between the ears.

400 Hz tone, short delay

400 Hz tone, medium delay

400 Hz tone, long delay

Noise, short delay

Noise, medium delay

Noise, long delay

Click, long delay

'Phaser': 400 Hz in one ear, 403 Hz in the other

'Phaser': 400 Hz in one ear, 401 Hz in the other