Chapter 3

Video Resources

  1. This fragment of the documentary Guns, Germs, and Steel (based on the book by Jared Diamond) discusses the effects of smallpox in the New World: (9:29)
  2. In this video, historian Lawrence Clayton discusses how Bartolomé de las Casas's views regarding African slavery evolved:


  1. This website contains the “Royal Instructions” from the king to Antonio de Mendoza, the first viceroy of New Spain:
  2. This website contains discussion and digitalized copy of the Florentine Codex, compiled from indigenous sources by Fray Bernardino de Sahagún in the 1540s:
  3. This section of the Vistas website features visual representations of religious practice and visions of the afterlife:
  4. This website, maintained by a Catholic association, tells the story of the apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe:
  5. This Mapas Project website features colonial Mesoamerican pictorial manuscripts:
  6. This website contains the first written account of the apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe in 1649 by Luis Laso de la Vega:
  7. This website contains photographs and discussion of hundreds of examples of Mexican religious and secular colonial architecture:
  8. This UNESCO-World Heritage Convention website contains photographs, descriptions, maps, and documents of Franciscan Missions in the Sierra Gorda of Querétaro:
  9. This website contains images and discusses the history of Santa Fe de la Laguna, where Vasco de Quiroga established one of his utopian hospitals:
  10. This PBS website contains documents related to expeditions in the northern frontiers of New Spain:

Primary Documents from the Text

Chapter 3