Chapter 4

Video Resources

  1. In this episode of the PBS series Black in Latin America, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. explores the history and heritage of Africans in Mexico: (28:45)
  2. This video features son jarocho, a musical genre from the Atlantic region of Veracruz where Africans passed on their instruments, improvised vocalization, syncopated rhythms, and dances: (8:32)
  3. This fragment of the feature-length film Yo, la peor de todas (“I, the Worst of All”) by María Luisa Bemberg, shows the famous poet and nun Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz meeting with recently arrived viceroy and his wife. Note the tension between the viceregal and the ecclesiastic authorities: (10:46)
  4. This video presents a brief overview of the life and accomplishments of Alexander von Humboldt, the Prussian scientist who traveled across Mexico, South America, and Cuba. His studies of New Spain provide scholars today with a wealth of information: (4:21)
  5. This video shows the everyday life of the Tarahumara people, one of the few native groups in northern Mexico to have survived the Spanish conquest, largely because they ran (literally) to the hills. As much of their material culture suggests (note the use of the coa to plant), they have remained relatively isolated: (24:42)


  1. This website discusses the descendants of the Aztec emperor Moctezuma:
  2. This website contains casta paintings that depicted racial mixtures in Spanish America and discussion by colonial Mexico specialist Susan Deans-Smith:
  3. This website discusses the Spanish concept of limpieza de sangre (purity of blood) in an interview with an expert in colonial Mexico:
  4. This section of the Vistas website illustrates how visual arts reflected the racial and cultural mixing during colonialism:
  5. This website discusses the Apache Indians in the history of northern Mexico:
  6. This website is dedicated to the life and works of the poet and nun Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz:
  7. This website discusses the varied spirits, including pulque and mezcal, that derive from different agave plants:
  8. This website contains an account of the 1680 Pueblo Revolt by the governor and captain-general of New Mexico:
  9. This website provides an overview of women in colonial Mexico and recommends bibliography:
  10. This website discusses the botany, history, and present-day uses of cochineal:

Primary Documents from the Text

Chapter 4