Chapter 19


Key Terms

Autobiographical memory: memory across the lifespan for events involving the individual (especially those of personal significance).

Independent self: a type of self-concept in which the self is characterised by personal responsibility and achievement.

Interdependent self: a type of self-concept in which the self is defined to a large extent by one’s relationships with others.

Dissociative identity disorder: a mental disorder in which the patient has two or more separate personalities or identities which alternate in controlling behaviour; there is also amnesia or forgetting of autobiographical information.

Self-esteem: the part of the self-concept concerned with an individual’s feelings (positive and negative) about himself/herself.

False uniqueness bias: the mistaken belief that one’s abilities and behaviour are superior to those of most other people.

Cultural mindset: the cultural beliefs and values that influence thinking and behaviour and can be determined by the immediate social context.


A summary of Cooley’s theory of the looking glass self showing the mirror self-recognition test

More detail on the assessment of self-concept

An overview of self-concept theory for counsellors

An overview of the development of the self-concept in childhood

An article about the research of Balcetis and Dunning: Why we’re better at predicting other people’s behaviour than our own

The National Association for Self-Esteem

BPS research digest article: Why we think we’re better than the rest – it’s not all vanity

A BPS research digest article: Baghdad teenagers show heightened sense of self in the face of war

Why do people use Facebook?