
Gallery of Artists' Work

Speakers & Drivers

Loudspeakers and transducers as musical instruments -- Rainforest and beyond

Public domain, Argentina (courtesy Nicolás Varchausky): Homemade speaker for cell phone

Matthew Miller: Victorian Oscillator Improvisation

John Bowers: Study One for Victorian Synthesizer.  Performance by the inventor of the Victorian Synthesizer.

Zoots Houston: Cymbal and Speaker

Chris Han: Day & Night

Chang Yuchen: Record

Dan Wilson: Electromagnetic Staccato Resonator

Alex Baker: Autonomous Drum Kit

Frederick Brummer: Speaker/drum

Ute Wassermann): Improvisation (excerpt). Amplified voice drives corked speaker that vibrates a gong.

Nicolas Collins: It Was A Dark And Stormy Night (excerpt) (audio).  Voice drives coils that resonate guitar strings.

Oscillatorial Binnage (Fari Bradley, Toby Clarkson, Chris Weaver, Dan Wilson): Realization of David Tudor’s “Rainforest IV”

Jesse Seay: Untitled (Resonant Objects)

Arthur Lanotte-Fauré: Lanterne Spectre

Matthew Ostrowski, Summerland